Tuesday, September 24, 2013


While walking to the store earlier, it actually crossed my mind to become a prostitute. On the way back, I even figured out prices in my head. I would never do this, but have I stooped so low as to even ponder it? Am I so desperate in this situation that, that to make things better, I would actually contemplate doing this? Even if it puts my life in danger; just so I can contribute to this family? Just so I can bring in some source of income instead of sitting here doing nothing because I can't find an actual job. Because every job I apply to either says I'm too qualified, or they've found someone more qualified, or I "just wasn't the right fit" Prostitution is the lowest of the low in my opinion. Lower than dealing, or stripping or scamming people. Steven would leave me if he found out, and he already thinks I'm doing it as it is. My family would disown me if they found out and I would lose Lily. All around, besides the money, it's a bad idea. Nothing good can come from it, except the money. And what would be the use in having money if I had no one to secure it with ? I wouldn't be doing it for myself, I'd be doing it for my family. I'd be doing it for Lily and Steven, so I can make thing better for them. I don't care what happens to me, but they are the two most important people in my life. I would give anything, DO just about anything, to make sure they never had to worry again....

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